
Today, on a break, I made a quick trip to the art supply store and I picked up some charcoal pencils.  Tonight I wanted to give them a try.  I haven’t used charcoal for quite a while.  I did take a figure drawing class back in college which taught me how to use charcoal but I remember it took quite a while to get used to.  This evening was like reliving that first day using it.  I’m still not even sure how best to use it.  I found myself using the shading stump in more creative ways in order to get the rendered look that I was aiming for.  I think in the future I could see myself drawing mostly with graphite and then accenting with charcoal perhaps.  I’m not sure yet.  I still have a lot of technique to learn when it comes to shading.

2 Replies to “Drawing 046 – Edwardian Portrait

  1. The B-Roll

    Thanks for the tip Dean. Charcoal is an interesting medium. I kind of love/hate it. I think once I get a better handle on it I could grow to love it. There is definitely more of a solid technique to it rather than an experimental medium. All the way down to which type of charcoal should go down first and which type last.

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