
Tonight, I was thinking about how some of the coolest looking characters in comic books are the really bulky and muscular ones.  So, I decided to draw one of those types of characters myself.  And look, he’s struggling to open a jar.  Hilarious.  Anyways, once I had gotten the pencil drawing looking kinda good, I decided to try my hand at inking.  I did the inking with black speedball acrylic ink and a small brush.


It was interesting to use a brush.  In some cases, I had the capability to do the finest line but a lot of the time I was struggling with it.  I did enjoy doing it though.  I screwed up his left eye accidentally by dropping too much ink there so I decided to match it by darkening the other eye as well.  I struggled a lot trying to figure out where to put all the shadows.  I guess I could have planned it better while still in pencil phase.  In the end, I like the way he looks and I like the idea of inking more characters.