
I doodled a bunch of stick figures today at work.  I was practicing various body positions and I was aiming for extreme camera angles.  I wanted to draw something where I was either hovering overhead looking down on a character or down on the ground looking drastically up at a character.  That’s when I realized I wanted to draw a giant robot.  I’m pretty happy with it.


Knowing what I wanted to draw before coming home was helpful because I was able to spend more time working on the details and the shading.  I still need more practice with that and maybe I should attempt some shading-specific exercises soon.  The vision I had in my head was a bit more dramatic with really dark blacks, where the robot would almost disappear into the night sky but I was too afraid to go there this evening.  I didn’t want to ruin what was already looking pretty good.  I think that’s more of an inking thing anyways and I don’t think I’m skilled enough at shading with pencil yet.