Today was surprisingly overcast all day in the city.  It didn’t bring us down because all Jenny and I were doing today was a shopping on our favorite streets in San Francisco.  One of our favorite streets is Valencia St. in the Mission between 17th and 22nd.  Dotted along this strip of pavement are lots of interesting shops that truly inspired me.  I realized after visiting some of these places and seeing the unique things that people were doing that out of 110 Days of creative things I have barely scratched the surface of things to try.  So it was kind of invigorating to know that there was so much else out there for me.  I have my research cut out for me.


Anyways, tonight I decided to do another little tune with my music box.  I thought about my previous post from Day 102 about the ingenious monome app called Tintinnabulome.  It occurred to me that Tintinnabulome might just be a music box punchcards soulmate.


I started by opening that previous Ableton project up.  Then I found a short snippet from that jam with Tintinnabulome that had hit the cutting room floor and worked off of that as my base.  After I had listened to the first card I realized that I was going to want more variations so I decided to repeat the movement on a second card and tape them both together.  Finally, I had 8 bars of this slow repeating melody and I spent the rest of the night punching out more notes for bars 3, 4, 5, and 6.




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