So, I’m posting this one a little late because the internet was down when I got home last night. I worked until about 2am last night and I was pretty tired at the end of it. I couldn’t spend the night at the office because I was scheduled in the morning to speak to a class of kids for a career day thing. So, I decided to make my drive home the creative thing of the day. I put my camera on the dashboard and set it to continuous mode. As I drove home I held the shutter button down. I have this lens called the lensbaby which allows you to sort of tilt the lens around and distorts the edges of the frame depending on how you have it set and I used that to. Finally I set the shutter speed to 2 and half seconds because I knew I wanted light streaking.
When I got home I brought the sequence into After Effects and exported it with a soundtrack. The song you hear in the video is my own called “Thumpgun” and it was created for the first Monome Community Remix Project. You can download it here if you like.
I really like the idea, and all the great little projects. Keep it up!
I’ll be returning regularly.
Laszlo from Hungary
i like this little video.
Great job! This is such a rad video.
nice vid. i happened to also have my studio headphones on while listening to your track…. sounds awesome
Thanks Dantes! I love all your comments man. I have been to lax when it comes to replying. I appreciate it. Lets do a late night photo trek soon.