Today I decided to give a solid go at watercolor. I bought the materials a while ago for this blog idea specifically but I haven’t gotten around to using them until now. I have never used watercolor before and I purposely stayed away from buying any books on it or researching techniques on the net. And perhaps that was a mistake because after working with it tonight I’m wondering what I might learn. I did two quick paintings. The first was just a mess of color and no real concept. The second had a little shape to it but still, I had no idea what I was painting. Oddly enough, that one ended up resembling some sort of squid or what most people tell me, the ladies unmentionable.
“My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal…”
-Maude Lebowski
A squid. OK. My first impression was something else.
Haha! You’re not wrong, Mike. I really didn’t know what the hell it was. I just finished and decided afterward. Good to know your checkin’ out the blog.
Posting updated due to resounding consensus with what Mike G’ is saying.