Unfortunately, I was only able to give a couple of hours of time to todays creative project.  The inspiration came near the end of the work day when I glanced over at a couple of co-workers who were looking at a picture of a creature on the internet.  It was called Sharktopus!   It’s coming soon to the SyFy channel and is to be directed by the legend of B-filmmaking, Roger Corman.  If you google image search the word Sharktopus you’ll find a huge array of amazing artwork and sculptures.   So, I decided to do my own rendition except I gave mine a little twist: This one’s half killer whale and half octopus, in other words – Orctopus!
On a side note – Today was officially my birthday.  I was going through some serious cigarette withdrawals today but I successfully made it through without giving in.   What a strange gift I’ve given myself.   It was not easy.   I’m experiencing very heavy eyelids, a wasted and tired feeling mixed equally with a pent up energy that just can’t seem to escape from my body.  That’s the withdrawal bit.  Wish me luck tomorrow!

6 Replies to “Day 002 / ORCTOPUS! Pt. 1

  1. Clay

    Congratulations on quitting smoking! I know you will be successful this time because you are doing it for the best of many reasons.

  2. Marla

    Watching June Bug and your parent’s made me cry, it was VERY sweet. Great Blog by the way!!! Good luck on quitting smoking, I know you can do it.

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