
Drawing 052 – Sea Captain

I had trouble tonight figuring out what I wanted to draw.  I went through a bunch of google searches to find some kind of reference image and I couldn’t get inspired by any of them.  So, I made this drawing without any reference photo and simply started by roughing out a generic body shape.  Then […]


Drawing 053 – The Bay Bridge

Today we drove up to Oakland for our daughter Junie’s 4th birthday.  My sister lives up here and Junie loves her little cousins so we thought we’d bring them together for her birthday festivities.  Once night fell I was allowed to head out to San Francisco to meet up with old friends.  Even though we […]


Drawing 054 – Old Broken Down House

The idea of drawing a house has been on my mind for a little while now and since tonight I had a little extra time to sit and draw I decided to give it a go.  It’s a little wonky in proportions here and there and I could’ve tried a little harder to keep my […]


Drawing 055 – A Quickie Turtle

Calling it in tonight.  We drove home from San Francisco today.  This evening I need to go into the office to attempt to finish some notes on a rough cut by morning time tomorrow.  The notes are substantial enough that I believe I will get very little sleep tonight.  So, I decided to draw something […]


Drawing 056 – Stranded TV

Tonight I finally decided to draw a photo reference from my friend Jared’s blog.  He is currently doing a photo-series a day.  I’ve thought about using his photos for awhile but many of them are architectural or textural or have lots of straight lines, which I tend to shy away from.  It was good practice […]


Drawing 057 – Rock Wall

Intrigued by yesterday’s drawing I thought a lot about drawing textures today.  I should have given myself more time for this drawing.  After a certain point I began speeding up because I have to get to bed on time tonight.  The photo reference had lots of very subtle details that I in no way captured. […]


Drawing 058 – Exhausted

This day was ridiculously busy for me, hence the drawing.  I had to be in a hotel room in San Diego before the end of the day because early the next morning I would be heading out to an aircraft carrier for a full day of shooting.  But before I could drive down to the […]


Drawing 059 – The Hangar Bay

Today was an amazing day!  Firstly, even though we celebrated my daughters birthday last weekend today was my daughters actual 4th birthday and I was unable to share it with her. I sent her a little birthday video via the iphone that morning before leaving the hotel room.  Afterwards I met with the group who […]


Drawing 060 – Random

Today I spent the early part of the day continuing the tour of the aircraft carrier until it ported in San Diego.  I walked off the ship at about 1pm.  During the evening time Jenny and I went to the Art Walk but tired out and went home.  I was pretty uninspired and tired so […]


Drawing 061 – Mad As Hell

Saturday.  I had to go to work.  I went in around noon and left around 8 in the evening.  When it was time to draw, I decided to sift through this book called “Films of the 70’s”  While looking through it I came across this famous image from the film “Network”.   I’m pretty into […]


Drawing 062 – It’s A Blue Letter!

Sunday.  Today was a wonderful day off.  It’s been so long since I’ve been able to hang out with my family and today it was all about that.  I also picked up an upright piano that my wife purchased from a garage sale yesterday.  I’m excited to finally have a piano in the house.  We’ve […]


Drawing 063 – Ron Swanson Outline

Tonight Jenny and I got caught up on our episodes of “Parks and Rec”.  While we watched I decided that I would draw Ron Swanson for my drawing this evening.  As I drew I realized that I really wanted to get my charcoal out but unfortunately I have to get up pretty early tomorrow.  So […]


Drawing 064 – Ron Swanson Charcoal

This was a real struggle.  I don’t know if it is the age of my vine charcoal or the type of paper in my current sketchbook but I had a lot of trouble getting a smooth shaded effect on this.  The truth is the vine charcoal I’m using could be as old as 16 years, […]


Drawing 065 – Aldo At The Bar

  Today I picked up some new vine charcoal and I have to say it made a world of difference.  I was able to make much smoother washes with it and it also erased much easier.  Even though this image isn’t as sharp as last nights charcoal I got a lot more done in a […]


Drawing 066 – Old Blue

I felt like I had a bit more control of the charcoal tonight.  I started with a wash of charcoal until the whole paper was toned medium gray.  Then I began drawing out the outline and structure of his face with extra-soft vine charcoal.  Then, I moved from the extra-soft to the soft and darkened […]


Two Days Missed

I hate to admit it but unfortunately, I missed a day and then, sadly, I missed another day.  This weekend was my birthday weekend and various events stopped me from accomplishing the goal of drawing on those days.   It was a bummer to have been unable to accomplish my goal with the consistency that […]


Drawing 067 – Hitler With Cocktail

The Sunday of my birthday weekend.  I am feeling the gotta-go-back-to-work-tomorrow- blues.  Last night we watched Macgruber in the backyard with friends and it was a blast.   For my reference image tonight, another screenshot from the TV Series “Danger 5”.  I’m such a fan of that show.  For my technique, I tried to replicate […]


Drawing 068 – The Brain

  Tonights reference photo comes from another one of my favorite television programs called “Look Around You”.  It’s a short BBC show based on old british educational films.   The drawing I am not completely happy with.  I struggled quite a bit trying to make it look good but ultimately couldn’t get the finer details […]


Drawing 069 – David Brent Attempt

Aw, this one didn’t turn out so well.  I was attempting to draw David Brent (Ricky Gervais) from the british version of “The Office”.  Here’s the photo I was using as reference.  For some reason I could not get the face to look right.  I erased it a bunch of times and kept adjusting but […]


Drawing 070 – Still Life With Wine

Tonight, I decided to draw a still life since none of my photo references were sparking much inspiration.  I want to improve my charcoal technique so I figured I ought to practice drawing an object and attempt to render it as realistically as possible.  While I ultimately like my drawing I still think I have […]


Drawing 071 – Hitler’s Sex Kitchen

Another screenshot from Danger 5 as my reference tonight.  This one is from an episode called “Fresh Meat For Hitler’s Sex Kitchen”   I think it’s funny that tonight I decided to take on such a complex image.  The reason being is I went to the art store today and bought paper made specifically for […]


Drawing 072 – Jenny And June

  I had to take a break from the charcoal for a minute.  It has been good but I needed a break.  Tonight, I decided to do a little graphite, 2H to be exact.  This is a picture of the two most important ladies in my life from about 2 years ago while at Disneyland. […]


Drawing 073 – Snail Passion

I was pretty tired when I drew this.  I didn’t get my drawing started until very late at night.    It’s a bit messier than I’d like it.   Medium: pen Time: 1 hour Reference: photo


Drawing 074 – Old Pup

This evening I lightly scribbled out some shapes until I saw the shape of this guys head.  After that I added his body and inked him up with some micron pens.   Medium: Pen Time: 20 minutes Reference: None


Drawing 075 – Old Timey Deep Sea Diver

  Jenny said I should draw an old timey deep sea helmet so that is where this guy came from.  Had a bit of crosshatch trouble.  It takes quite a bit of concentration and patience.  And it also seems pretty easy to screw up.   Medium: Pen Time: 1 1/2 Hours Reference: None