
Day 175 / New Features!

I’m sorry to be posting this one so late.  Friday (Day 174) night, I got so frustrated trying to get live quantize to work in my monome app 64(video)Fingers that I continued the work on it Saturday.  I kicked myself real good when I was reminded by fellow monome user Dovemouse that the object I […]


Day 176 / Colleen’s Insect Collection

I’ve been running a bit behind on my creative projects because I’ve been taking on so many video projects.  There’s always the editing part I need to think about.  Anyways, last night I dropped by my friend Colleen’s house in order to film some insects.  Colleen is a professional botanist and has an amazing collection […]


Day 177 / Office Instruments At Work

This one turned out much better than I expected.  A long time ago while I was working on Toy Story 3 every night all night I was forced to do my creative projects from the office.  I did multiple posts called Office Instruments (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3).  The ultimate goal was to […]


Day 178 / Testing Out Loopy

About a week ago I received an email from a fellow monome user dubbed Bongo.  He had just finished working on a new app called Loopy and he wanted to know if I could test it out for him.   Bongo’s a great guy and a kindred spirit in the DIY sense.  He is a […]


Day 179 / Freehand With A Wacom

I like this character. He looks like a real loser.   Last night I finally played around with a Wacom tablet that my friend Dean let me borrow.  Dean, a couple buddies of his and myself are starting a small artist collective.  It is still very fresh and we are still in the weekly meeting/planning […]


Day 180 / Vintage Components

Since I need to come up with some screen-printing designs for our little burgeoning artist collective I decided to google image search “vintage control panels” for inspiration.  I ultimately want to use these components to create an imaginary 1950’s modular synth.  Some kind of modular that never existed but you wish it did.  I made […]


Day 181 – More Parts To The Imaginary Modular

I got a bit more work done on my screen-printing design.  I did the two knobs above first and then I thought I’d move past components and try something bigger.  I decided my imaginary modular needed a keyboard connected to it.  I wanted it to actually be a sweet looking hex touchplate inspired partly by […]


Day 182 / The Wackiest Face On Television

It got a bit late last night and I couldn’t get myself to work on the Imaginary Modular idea.  I think it’s because I have to start thinking about the big picture rather than just the components now.  So, I sat there watching TV with Jenny coming up with things I could do.   Jenny […]


Day 183 / A Living Room Concert

Last night I filmed an intimate concert in my buddy Steve’s living room. Steve has come to the end of a very long road and in an effort to drum up some finishing funds for his documentary film he has started this Living Room Series of concerts.  This evening was his first.  The artists that […]


Day 184 / Traffic Slit-Scanned

I had to go to work this monday labor day and I worked pretty late into the evening.  I decided just before sundown that I should do another slit-scan post.  One of the music videos that I’m going to be working on will make great use of this effect.  I figured I should not forget […]


Day 185 / Day and Night, Side By Side

More slit-scan fun while I’ve been working some heavier hours at the office.  This is an idea that has been sitting in my brain for some time.  The idea was to do a week-long time lapse from a single camera position and then put it through the slit-scan treatment.  What you get is day and […]


Day 186 / Time

Let me just declare to the world, I love my macro lens!  There is just so much to see with this lens.  Even the most banal thing looks magical through the macro.   Todays creative project occurred to me while I was perusing the MAKE blog yesterday.  They had posted this really awesome 1950’s informational […]


Day 187 / Typewriter Guts

I bought this old broken down Underwood typewriter a long time ago from a flea market for five bucks.  Ever since it has just sat there collecting dust.  I figured I’d last night for my creative thing I would disassemble it with the idea of reassembling it into a little sculpture or junkbot.   The […]


Day 188 / Making Old Jams New Again

Last night I thought maybe Jeff and Chris might come over for a jam session.  Unfortunately, they both had things to do in the morning so it wasn’t in the cards.     I decided to keep with the mood and opened up an old jam that we did a long time ago.  Jeff’s banjo […]


Day 189 / Contact Mic Fiasco

Sorry to be posting this one so late.  I still have yet to do my creative thing for today but I’m at work and it looks like it’s going to be a long one tonight.  On the plus side, the piece I’m working on at the moment is going to be playing on the big […]


Day 190 / Time Slit-Scanned

Well, I worked all night last night.  Got about a wink of sleep.  I noted yesterday that I was doing wire removal on after effects.  It’s too bad that I can’t post anything from the movie because I would’ve totally considered that my creative thing for the day.  I’d never done wire removal before and […]


Day 191 / Music Box Melody-Maker

I think working overnight sunday night may have compromised my immune system because I am not feeling well today.   Last night I got to go home a little early so it was nice to see June before she went off to bed.  I wanted to do something new for my creative thing and I […]


Day 192 / One Man’s Junk

Well, it’s official, I’m sick.  I have a sore throat and my muscles constantly feel like they’re recuperating from some heavy workout.  Generally, I feel weak.  Still haven’t done my creative thing for today but I better get to it because I need my sleep tonight.     Yesterdays creative thing was pretty serendipitous.  The […]


Day 193 / Watercolor: Still Not My Thing

I stayed home from work sick yesterday and because I’m a glutton for punishment I decided to wait at the DMV for most of the day to renew my license.  I don’t think it did much to help my sickness.  I didn’t start my creative thing until about 8pm at night.  An early start in […]


Day 194 / DIY Glockenspiel And More

Yesterday I found myself pretty inspired by a couple of links that a fellow follower of the blog named Marc left in the comments for Day 192 / One Man’s Junk.  I asked for ideas of what I should do with the stuff I found in the alleyway behind my office and he led me […]


Day 195 / A New Motor For A Turntable

Busy Saturday today.  I’m attempting to post this in the only hour I have between June’s dinner and the arrival of my mom for babysitting duties.  We have a housewarming party to go to tonight.   Last nights creative thing had to extend a little into this morning because I realized that I was missing […]


Day 196 / Drawing Up Some Plans

Posting a little late again because I’m cutting a time sensitive project at work at the moment.     I barely fit this one in last night.  I spent the day with Jenny and June.  As it turns out June has picked up my sickness.  Jenny and I went to our friends Colleen and Dave’s […]


Day 197 / Tuning My Bars

I left work around 9 last night and spent a short hour with Jenny before she was off to bed.  I needed to do my creative thing quick because I had to wake up early this morning for work.   I knew pretty much all day that my creative thing was going to be tuning […]


Day 198 / A Campaign Fold-In

I decided to break from the flow and do something a little more random last night.   I have gained a massive amount of respect for the artist Al Jaffee.  He is most notable as the guy responsible for the fold-ins on the last page of MAD Magazine.  They are a staple of popular culture, […]


Day 199 / The Patch Is The Goal

Well, unfortunately I’m as sick as a dog.  This cough has been really hanging on.  I took the day off today and I really feel like crap.  It took quite a mental pep talk to get me out of bed to post this creative thing.     Last night I pretty much took it easy […]