
Day 050 / Post-its of Wisdom

Again, I’m working the long hours so I had to come up with something that I could do around the office.  This one is inspired by the idea behind Found Magazine, where people submit little random notes that they’ve found.  A lot of times you read them and they make you think.  So, I decided […]


Day 051 / A Little Tune

Keeping it pretty mellow tonight. I spent the night at my office last night and my brain was pretty fried at around 2pm today.  So I went home early and got to spend a little time with Jenny and June which was nice.     For my creative project I spent some quiet time composing […]


Day 052 / Garden Hose Stereo Delay

I really wasn’t sure what I was going to do tonight.  An hour before work ended I walked around the place and gathered up random junk to perhaps try my hand at junkbot building but I had a feeling that I probably wasn’t quite ready for that yet.  Then suddenly I remembered a concept that […]


Day 053 / Creepy Editing House

Well, it was another late night at the office.  So, I was forced once again to do my creative thing there.  I decided to do another evil symmetry post.  I guess it’s becoming a series now.  Though I think my evil hotel photos were a bit more creepy I still think some of these images […]


Day 054 / Line Sculpture

The past eight or nine days have been some of the hardest days of this creative-thing-a-day project.  Mainly, because my work has been so amped up for me lately.  I have been working some all nighters and tonight is no different.  I had thought that maybe I’d run dry of office ideas for this blog […]


Day 055 / Robot In A Faded Landscape

Well, I’m exhausted.   Last night was an all nighter at work and today I was mainly very sleepy.  It was nice to drive home while the sun was out and to see my wife and daughter before bedtime was also great.   I really wanted to keep this project simple and relaxing so I […]


Day 056 / The Holy Trinity of the Jam Night

HaHa! I didn’t go to work today.  No, no I spent most of the day the way I like to take it.  Breakfast out with Jenny and the baby, Nap, Hang out in the backyard.   We bought a tree today. At the end of the night I invited over to the studio the two guys […]


Day 057 / Freedom of Choice

Today was a great day!  I left for work around 11:30am and halfway there I get a phone call from my buddy Justin.  It turned out that he was in town for the weekend and looking for something to do.  So I played a little hooky and made a detour into downtown LA to pick […]



Today I finally got to working on my site dedicated to the Monome Community Remix Project.  I reserved the domain name a long time ago and said that I would do it and as the deadline approached for the latest MCRP V5 I felt the pressure to get it done.  It’s only partially built but […]


Day 059 / Vocal Manipulation

This is why I love the monome.  I have been in crunch time for the past two weeks at work.  I spent the night last night at the office and then went home early today to get some rest before coming back this evening.  In other words, I’m busy.  I haven’t devoted hardly any time […]


Day 060 / Knowing When To Quit

I swear, one of these days I’m going to show watercolor who’s boss.  Unfortunately, tonight was not the night for that.  The sad thing is that at one point through the process I had a really beautiful image.  But then I went too far.  Too far, meaning the sky but then I did it to […]


Day 061 / Love, Friends and Dancing

I’m working late again tonight.  Getting closer to the end of this stint of long hours!   So, since I’m here editing I decided to turn to my laptop for a bit to do a little montage.   It’s a montage that I had always meant to do but never got around to it.  It’s […]


Day 062 / Monome Light Painting

Am I a total monome geek or is this a cool idea?  I think both.   Today I had just a tiny window of time to work on my creative thing.   It was 10pm when I finished work and I have a flight to catch early tomorrow morning so I improvised this one.   […]


Day 063 / Out Of My Element

Today’s project was a real shot in the dark for me.  I was completely out of my element.   It was a beautiful day.  The weather was the best it’s been in a while.  I flew up to Berkeley this morning to do an interview for work.  Since tomorrow’s Mothers day I knew that I […]


Day 064 / Bird Shapes

I have plans to do a small mural in Junes room.   On the wall behind her crib I’m going to paint a tree arching over with many birds and other wildlife inhabiting it.  The style of it is inspired by Charley Harpers work.   If you don’t know who Charley Harper is you need […]


Day 065 / Spear Demonstration

The deadline for final tracks on the latest Monome Community Remix Project has passed and I unfortunately don’t have a track to turn in.  Work has been so busy for me over the last two weeks that I haven’t been able to devote enough time to it.  So, tonight I decided to spend some time […]


Day 66 / Beginning Somewhere

For most of the day I felt pretty aimless.  I kept getting caught up in little details in the piece I’m editing at work.  There’s this thing in editing called a Franken-bite.  It basically means, you have an interview with someone and they don’t quite say what you need them to say in order to […]


Day 067 / Drama In The Kitchen

Working late again.  I think I have another week of this at least so this evening is another quick creative thing at the office.   My buddy Dean inspired this post.  He sent me some links via facebook of this guy who takes household items and puts them into very human situations.  His photos are […]


Day 068 / Working On My App

Hey everyone.  Todays post is not very exciting but I am heading towards a goal.  This evening I decided to work on my monome app 64 (Video) Fingers and change the way that the pattern recorders work.  One of the major drawbacks of using 64 (video) Fingers is that in order to use it successfully […]


Day 069 / Getting Somewhere

Well, I am finally getting somewhere with my song for the last Monome Community Remix Project.  I think the next time I sit down with this track I will be ready to start arranging.  I feel like I have enough material to play with now. I would love to let you listen to it all but […]


Day 070 / Miracle Toast

I’m not even sure how this one came up.  I think I saw it on Penn & Teller when I was a kid or something but I remember the technique described to me a long time ago.  It’s a nice little trick if you’re looking to make a buck off of people like this.  List […]


Day 071 / Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention

Necessity is the mother of invention. My mom told me this just yesterday.   What I’ve learned from doing this blog is that sometimes you just don’t know what you’re going to do.  I have a bunch of ideas planned out for future blog postings but because of time constraints I haven’t been able to […]


Day 072 / My Favorite Recording

The busy days continue.  This evening I worked the Prince of Persia premiere as an editor.  Working premiere’s is always a stressful experience because tapes come in minute by minute and you have to cut something together for a satellite feed later that night.  So, I ended the night pretty much sapped of all energy. […]


Day 073 / A Sampling Of Past Patches

So unfortunately pulling another all-nighter tonight at the office.  I think this should be the last one.  I’m getting there.  I’ve refrained from talking about what I’m working on here but it’s really not a big deal to mention.  For the past three weeks I have been involved in intensive late night editing for Toy […]


Day 074 / 2am Bleary-Eyed Drive Home

So, I’m posting this one a little late because the internet was down when I got home last night.  I worked until about 2am last night and I was pretty tired at the end of it.  I couldn’t spend the night at the office because I was scheduled in the morning to speak to a […]