
Day 025 / MCRP V4

What a night!  I told my wife that I was going to close myself off for the evening and finish my song for the latest MCRP, Version 4.   A brief description:  MCRP stands for Monome Community Remix Project and it works like this.  A group of monome users each uploads a sample into a […]


Day 026 / An Art Of Restraint

This time around I watched a few youtube videos of watercolor techniques before finally sitting down and trying to paint.  The painting definitely turned out much better than the last time.     I like watercolor.  It intrigues me because it seems to be a real test in restraint.   In contrast to oil paints, […]


Day 027 / Modular Patch #003 – Knob Solo

I love a good patch that is simple but effective. This is one of my favorite patches with a twist.  I had visitors over to the studio tonight so I was able to demonstrate the modular to new people which I always enjoy.  I started with the patch I normally do when I have to […]


Day 028 / Operation Art Gardens

Today Jenny and I helped our friends Jeff and Wendy with a large cactus and succulent sale that they have been organizing for the past four months called “Operation Art Gardens” They’re both teachers and they put this sale together as a fundraiser for new equipment for Jeff’s video production class, which he teaches at […]


Day 029 / Impromptu Jam

Jeff came over for a little impromptu jam session tonight.   In the past, it has been a regular friday night thing with a small group of friends but due to the many things going on in all of our lives it’s been awhile since the last one. Tonight was surprisingly satisfying because it was my […]


Day 030 / Pop-Up Sci-Fi

      Well, Day 30 has now come and gone and a month of creative things has been checked off the list!  In addition, I haven’t had even the tiniest puff from a cigarette for a month as well.  So, onward and upward as far as all that goes.   Today’s creative project is […]


Day 031 / Watercolor Tree #2

Watercolor is definitely a frustrating medium.  I learned the last time that its better to sometimes leave an area alone than it is to keep adding to it.  Seeing through to the paper below is half the charm of watercolor and it’s something that I’m striving for as well.  Unfortunately, it seems that it’s damn […]


Day 032 / 3D Zoetrope Experiment

I’m surprised I actually made it through this one tonight.  I know Jenny can be unhappy with the kind of late nights that end up happening with these creative projects but this one was just too cool to post anything partial (Thank you sweetie!).  It’s a 3D zeoptrope being spun on a record player.  It’s […]


Day 033 / New Sketchbook

So last night was such an epic project I decided to go for something a little less involved.  The story goes that from the age of six to somewhere around sophomore year in high school I had the impression that I was going to be an animator when I grew up.  That was, until I […]


Day 034 / Contact Mic Chaos

I was joined by a group of friends, Jeff and Wendy and Matty and Diane, for this evenings creative thing.  It was a fun night.  I decided I was going to do something similar to my first contact mic post except this time I’d take it outside to the streets.  Feel free to press play […]


Day 035 / Retro Collage

On day 024 I filmed the guy who designed the end credits to “The Incredibles”.  An extremely talented artist, he based the sequence on his collage work which he is known for around Pixar.  I was lucky enough to see some of his collages in person and I was really impressed.  After that I decided […]


Day 036 / Sunday Dinner

Today was my first cooking project.  To some of you out there this may not seem so creative but for me it’s completely creative.  I never cook and I’m always jealous of those people that find great joy in cooking food.  So this was a first move in that direction.     I decided to […]


Day 037 / Modular Patch #004 – Never Too Many Cables

Today I really didn’t know where I wanted to go with this patch. I decided to just start patching. I kept adding and adding and adding until I ended up somewhere that I felt happy with. Most of the time that’s my favorite method to use with the modular.   The patch is not really […]


Day 038 / Graph Paper Landscape

I had this idea a couple days ago and it really sparked an excitement in me.   I thought of graph paper and how it would make a really neat and interesting medium for some kind of art project (collage specifically came to mind).  I researched the types of graph paper and found out that […]


Day 039 / Developing Software

I decided on my drive home that I wouldn’t have enough time to realize a particular idea I have for using the graph paper from yesterday.   So I decided to switch gears and go into something that I haven’t touched for awhile, my application 64(Video)Fingers.   It’s an application I developed for the Monome […]


Day 040 / Office Instruments Pt. 1

Today is the first day of a very busy couple of weeks.   I have three different cuts to deliver in the next two weeks so I will be at my office late into the evenings most of the time.  As an editor you go through spurts of extremely busy times and sometimes you have […]


Day 041 / Atypical Gage

This is Gage.  He is a co-worker of mine.  I feel that I can safely say that he is not like you or me.  No, Gage is different.  He can’t really be typecast or labelled.  If there was any word to describe him then it would be “random” because he is always saying something completely […]


Day 042 / Cartoon Watercolor

The past few days have been some of the hardest for this blog as well as the smoking thing.  At the moment I feel like I’m in a bit of a lull.   A year is a long time and I’m sure that not everyday is going to be as inspiring as another.  I still […]


Day 043 / Office Instruments Pt. 2

Working late at the office again tonight.  So, I decided to continue my collection of sounds and video for my epic office supply orchestra to be used in my monome app 64(video)fingers.  This time there’s a special surprise treat.  A hidden office instrument you never knew existed but makes a gorgeous bell sound.  The source […]


Day 044 / Evil Hotel Symmetry

Hotels are creepy.  Especially the chain hotels because they are all made to look alike.  And I don’t get the idea behind the carpet design.  My hotel this evening reminded me a little of “The Shining” so for my creative thing today I decided to snap some pictures and take the symmetry of the place […]


Day 045 / Grain and Other Things

So a few things…   First thing worth mentioning:  Today I spent the majority of the day at Skywalker Ranch.  What an amazing privilege it was to be there.   Driving through the gates and making our way up to the location was similar to something like entering Hearst Castle.   I felt like if […]


Day 046 / Suicide Bridge

It was rainy for the better part of the afternoon today.  As I drove home from work I decided that my creative project would have something to do with the rain.  Since it was raining and who knows how much longer the rain will be around this year.  I decided my thing today would be […]


Day 047 / Doodles From The Edit Bay

I had to work late this evening.  Everything is ramping up for me at work.  It’s going to be pretty busy for me through the month of May.  It makes this creative-thing-a-day thing a little tougher to fit into my schedule.   Tonight I decided to do more drawing in my sketch book.  I did […]


Day 048 / The Planets Align

The planets must have been in alignment today because certain things had to be in place for my creative project to have gone down the way that it did.   As I drove into work today I thought I’d do an interview with a guy we call “The Van Man”.  A couple months ago my […]


Day 049 / Office Instruments Pt. 3

Not a whole lot of time today because it’s really crunch time for me at work.  I am working the weekend to try to get my cuts done for an early next week delivery.   So I went for one of the projects that’s a little easier for me to accomplish in the limited time […]