
Drawing 127 – Glove
A little drawing from life. A work glove in the backyard.
A little drawing from life. A work glove in the backyard.
After June was off to bed I came back out to the living room and these guys were sitting next to me. So that is what I drew.
Another busy day. Got home, put my little one to bed and drew this tree as quickly as possible. Then I was off to bed to for an early wake up call.
Unfortunately, I had to power through my drawing time tonight because I am too busy with work stuff. I wasn’t in the best of spirits this evening either so I decided to keep the faces sour.
Kind of random. I didn’t know what to draw so I just sort of scribbled out some shapes. Eventually the mantis head came into view and then I scribbled out the rest.
Today I spent most of my time working in the backyard and then afterwards flew a kite with June and some friends. I got a pretty good sunburn and was pretty tired come night-time. I drew this picture from a photo reference in a Time/Life book on canyons and mesas. I didn’t really get too […]
Tonight was the friday night Artwalk in my hometown of Fullerton. First friday of every month they hold it and this evenings exhibit at the Magoski Art Colony was one of the best ones I’ve seen. It was about marriage equality and also the overall subject of gay rights. It was a great show with […]
I need more practice drawing cars. I thought it was pretty tough to get the proportions to look good on this car. I also need more practice drawing the details with more finesse. There is this artist that I really like and respect that I would love to have one 8th of his skill. His […]
This evening when it was time to do my drawing I perused the internet a bit. Through Boing Boing, I learned about a new documentary coming out about a town under the scourge of oxycontin addiction called “Oxyana”. It looks pretty good. They linked back to his earlier short documentary called “American Juggalo”. I remembered watching that […]
Today I finally got my rough cut done and out to my client. I’m so relieved to have it done and I think it turned out pretty A-OK in the end. It’s almost completely motion graphics which is a slower process than editing. Anyways, I relayed the cut out to the client at around 8pm […]
This is yesterdays drawing, Monday. I had nearly worked all night on Sunday and today was no different. I was unrealistic to think that I could get my edit done by Monday morning and in fact it was looking more like I wasn’t going to get this piece done until possibly Tuesday. I don’t […]
This is for Sunday. I’m posting these late because I was working long hours over the past few days and working hard getting an edit ready for the client. I had to work this sunday. First, I had a shoot early in the morning. It was a peaceful morning because I was shooting b-roll of a 56 […]
Not much time for drawing today. I have to work fairly early in the morning tomorrow and Jenny and I were out kinda late on a little date night. So, once we got home I basically just drew some guy. He seemed kind of bored to me so I drew him in a cubicle. Blah. […]
Looked through my “Movies of the 70’s” book for a photo reference and I decided to draw this wacky picture of Travolta. Started with pencil and then switched over to ink. His face is kind of wonky and his eyes are weird.
Tonight I drew four random faces. How bout that?
This evening I wanted to jump off from where I left off yesterday. I have this drawing book that talks about the triangle shape that is the mouth to eye relationship. I decided to draw multiple renditions of Jesus Quintana with different mouth to eye proportions.
Jenny has choir practice on Tuesdays so I had to leave work a little early. The neighbors were watching our Junie-bug so I had about an hour to myself at home before I had to go pick her up. This is what I drew. I plan on doing a caricature of just his face in […]
I’ve been pretty busy lately but I did take a little break tonight to draw. I didn’t want to think too much about what to draw so I kept my style loose and fast. I tried to make each face have a different proportions.
While Jenny and I watched Mad Men this evening I decided to draw a picture of the lovely Christina Hendricks. The reference photo was found on the internet. I think it looks all right.
Today was a memorial poker tournament for an old pal who passed away about six months ago. I miss him dearly and all I can say to describe the feeling is surreal. Without having to go into too much detail, it’s just strange to remember that he is no longer here with us. I believe […]
When I got home tonight I went straight to adding more details to this drawing. I feel good about it. I realize drawing is all about patience and its a good idea to more often work on one drawing for multiple days.
Jenny and I searched through some American landscape Time/Life books that we have on our bookshelf and we found this reference photo. It’s a lumberjack standing amongst giant chestnut trees around the turn of the 20th century. I’d like to continue adding details to this.
Today I went to go pick up lunch at a cuban place in Burbank called Mambos. It’s on the corner of Victory and Western. Normally, I would call in the order and wait 20 minutes to pick it up. Today, I decided to call in the order and directly go out and use the extra […]
This is from a picture of Junie on an easter egg hunt in the grandparents backyard. It doesn’t really look like her exactly. She kind of looks older. It was a bit of a tough angle.
I drew a bit during my renders today at work. This drawing of Junie directly above and my co-worker gage is what I drew during the daytime. The Dirty Harry image I drew this evening and it’s from my “Movies of the 70’s” book.